About Enkei Resolutions

Our Consulting and Coaching Philosophy

Enkei Resolutions was founded by Diane Weible to reflect the values and expertise she gained through 30 plus years living and working in diverse settings, including 12 years in Japan. The Japanese word Enkei means vision to the future. Enkei Resolutions is passionate about helping people and organizations span obstacles and reach their goals, and is the driving force behind our consulting and coaching philosophy.
We can accompany you to support you in new opportunities or to overcome challenges. Challenges are opportunities for growth and new awareness, and we seek to companion our clients to new vistas in their personal development and organizational goals.
To learn more, send us an e-mail, or schedule a 30-minute, cost-free consultation.
About Diane Weible:

A certified professional coach with the International Coaching Federation, Diane is passionate about the work of coming alongside individuals and organizations seeking to move forward, grow, and transform. An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and former Conference Minister of the Northern California Nevada Conference UCC, Diane spent most of her professional life working with churches and organizations in Japan, Hawai’i, Northern California and Northern Nevada, journeying with them to reach their full potential and discover the vitality that is within. It is the sum of these experiences that have informed Diane’s approach to Enkei Resolutions’ consulting and coaching philosophy.
Certifications and Accomplishments:
- Trained mediator with the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center
- A Faith-Trust Trained Boundary Training Facilitator
- Certifications in fundraising from The Fundraising School, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University
- Doctor of Ministry from Chicago Theological Seminary in the study of white privilege, an outcome of her dedication to self-coaching related to her own privilege as a white woman.
- Certification by the Iwate Prefecture (Japan) as a Yochien (Kindergarten) Principal
- Non-profit Board experience

More about Diane:
“What makes your heart sing?” This was a favorite question Diane would ask her children when they came to her for help. Only they knew the right answer for them. Diane is passionate about helping people live the life and do the work that makes their heart sing. She believes that when all of us are doing the work of leaning into our potential for what is possible, we become part of something much bigger. We become part of building and strengthening the communities in which we live.
Stuff She Loves: A good mystery; crafts; spending time with her three amazing young adult children; a good thunderstorm; travel; attempting to play the banjo, flute and piano (but not at the same time!).

“She regularly invites others to look at things in a different light or in ways we may not have even considered, sometimes through wondering exploration (“I wonder what it might look like …”)